Video: What Does RESPECT Mean?–Vote today for a new union leadership to defend public education

Voting has begun!

I am running for president of the Seattle Education Association (SEA) with a dozen other educators on the RESPECT ticket.  We want to transform our union to become a powerful force to defend public education from corporate education reformers. Many of us were leaders in the MAP test boycott and we all believe that a union that builds partnerships with parents and community organizations can achieve the contract educators deserve, the schools our children deserve, and the city our families deserve. If you believe in our vision, please donate to support our campaign here. In this video we explain our vision for what RESPECT means and how to achieve it:



Please share this video widely and ask any educator you know in Seattle to consider voting for our slate of candidates.  Seattle educators can cast–or change–their vote unit voting closes on Wednesday, May 7th. Information on the candidates and instructions for SEA members on how to vote are here.

It is time to Elect RESPECT!

One thought on “Video: What Does RESPECT Mean?–Vote today for a new union leadership to defend public education

  1. Dean Paton

    Hey, the video is pretty good. Especially given the time crunch.

    If anything can be changed, I would start with the music: I think it is sometimes too loud — especially when Marion is talking — and most of the time should be a bit lower.

    Dan Troccoli goes on way too long. You needed more light on you. And it’s too bad the photos of the slate at the end are so out of focus. Was that the best they could do?

    But mostly it’s very good.

    If you can get the editor in New York to do another version and fix the music, I think that would be good. You don’t really need the music all the time. Mostly at the beginning and the end.

    Glad it arrived in time to make a difference.



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