
Jesse is a regularly requested speaker at community forums, panel discussions, rallies, debates, public hearings, and college campuses. To request Jesse to speak at your event, contact him here.

Some of the forums Jesse has addressed include: A presidential panel for the American Education Research Association’s (AERA)  2013 conference; “Race to Where?”:  Diane Ravitch, Wayne Au, Jesse Hagopian and Dora Taylor in a Seattle Ed 2010 forum; The Seattle City Club: “What is a good teacher”; Real Change Forum “Question inevitability: Does Seattle Need a new Jail”; IVAW’s “Winter Soldier” antiwar forum; The Center for Economic Research and Social Change’s “Socialism Conference”.


Jesse gave this speech to the school board in 2008, when he was teaching at Madison Middle School, right after he was laid off because of the Great Recession and the ensuing budget cuts.


Jesse gave this speech on at a several thousand person strong rally in Seattle for Trayvon Martin in an effort to connect his racially motivated murder to the “New Jim Crow”.


Jesse delivered these words, interrupting the House Ways and Means committee meeting during a special legislative session designed to cut $2 billion from healthcare and education.  After informing the Washington Legislature that these cuts violated the state constitution and a King County Superior Court ruling, he attempted to hand them a citizens arrest warrant.  He  was arrested moments later.


Jesse gave this speech at one the largest of the Occupy Seattle rallies to call for bailing out the schools, not the banks!


Jessegave this speech during the struggle to pass Referendum 71, connecting the struggle for LGBTQ rights with the Civil Rights Movement.


The University of Washington sponsored a debate between U.S. Congressmen Jim McDermott and I on a bill that was aimed at bringing back the draft for American wars.  He supported the draft, I opposed it.


Diane Ravitch, Wayne Au, Jesse Hagopian and Dora Taylor in “Race to Where?” a Seattle Ed 2010 forum on the misdirection of ed reform


Jesse Hagopian Earthquake Survivor


Jesse Hagopian speaks at Olympia, WA Rally in Solidarity with Wisconsin Workers 2/26/2011

2500 public sector workers and their allies rallied in the State Capitol of Washington in support of workers in Wisconsin fighting against Union-busting. Hundreds of protesters made their way into the Capitol building and held a speak out.


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